Builder Cleans


Builder Cleans for large, medium and small firms. Whatever your business cleaning requirements,  we have the answers to provide a reliable and efficient cleaning service.


Builder Cleans

Builder cleans and post-builder cleans are provided by our experienced specialist cleaners, across London and the South East. The success of your client’s first impression is paramount to us. Your clients will have an absolute clear decisive impression of why they chose your company to complete the build with our hi-spec commercial clean. Cleaning big spaces and precision to detail is key, yet effortless for us.

Builders Cleans

From the start, your clients will be impacted by one of our cleans…The results will speak for themselves. A grand entrance should be gleaming with a flawless finish.

Let Keleana cleaning reflect an attractive superior finish on your comprehensive and hard-earned project. Keleana is the last company to come in and sweep away any doubts with a desirable first-rate finish.

Attention to detail in our checklist will let you showcase the special touches that you have poured into your project. Remind your client why they picked you/your company in the first place, and why they will choose you again and again.

Portacabin Cleaning

Keleana is a reputable name for this type of commercial cleaningOur clients spend as much time if not more, at work in these portacabins. So why not let Keleana make you as comfortable as possible at work.

Our friendly team members will clean your space or desk fitting around your staff for an easy and relaxed atmosphere. Working On-Site can be a real messy job especially when the weather is not good.

A tidy site is a clean site, which is a safe site.

We provide commercial and office cleaning by working with some of the best names in the business. Keleana has cleaned all through the pandemic keeping essential and key workers safe. Our outstanding cleaning and reputable name carry us on-site, as excellent cleaners that provide more.


Welfare Units

Welfare units can be small dirty and cramped, creating a stressed and sometimes hostile environment for your staff. Units can often breed mould spores inside due to poor insulation and cold temperatures being outside. This can also happen due to poor sanitation.

Let Keleana pre or post-clean your commercial unit, ensuring a clean safe environment for all workers in the facility on the go. A one-off or regular commercial clean in a welfare unit can relax the stress of being mobile to your workers.

Take a look in our photo library at some of the units we have completed.

With over 27yrs experience, our Keleana team members are professional and helpful. We can attune to any complications should they arise on-site.  Keleana is the company that can earnestly deliver on your commercial cleaning needs. Book in a professional cleaning director to view your job free of charge, to customize a plan and price that’s best suited to your needs.

The concept of your success is our reality. A fresh clean and sanitary work environment can result in immense/considerable work productivity. Our Clients believe we are a unique commercial cleaning company offering a one-of-a-kind service.

General Cleaning Services

Domestic Cleaning

Post Construction Cleaning

One-off Cleaning

B and B Turnovers

Regular Cleaning

Local Builder Cleans

Appliance Deep Clean